Choosing Challenges Pt. 3


The woes of blogging and not saving correctly then losing an ENTIRE post. Oooooh how IRKED I am right at this very moment smh.
Well, my third and last challenge I’m showing this month is a coconut oil hair challenge given by Manespeak.


It’s a challenge being held the entire month of February using coconut oil on the hair and scalp daily using their daily challenges as a blueprint. There is a prize at the end for the participant most active in the challenges. The winner of the challenge will receive Jirano hair products!
Hopefully, I am the winner 😉 .

So far I’m noticing how soft everyday use of pure coconut oil on my hair is making it really soft. I’d heard women rave of the softening effects it gives but I couldn’t say the same. I also wasn’t using coconut oil EVERYDAY then. So, regular use is the key to soft results. Well, at least for me! 🙂
I’ll be posting updates here and there of more findings (like growth) while doing this challenge. Wish me luck!


Thanks for reading!  I appreciate your time 🙂

Til next time!
THEE Stonidee

Choosing Challenges Pt.3- Manespeak Coconut Challenge


Hey guys and gals! Sorry this post is late. Hopefully not too late. 😉
So far, I’ve shared the online bible study “challenge” and the vegetarian challenge. Well, lastly is the coconut hair challenge by Manespeak. It’s a month long challenge of using coconut oil on the hair and scalp on a daily basis, using weekly/daily challenges as a regimen blueprint.
The pros of using pure coconut oil are many and so far I’m getting good results. I’ve noticed that my hair is softer. I’d read many raving of the softness coconut oil gives but hadn’t quite gotten the same…until using coconut oil DAILY. Now, I too can say the same. 🙂
We are to check in and post photos of our results on social networks and whoever is most consistent in participating in the challenges, wins hair products by Jirano hair products. Hopefully, I am that lucky winner. 😉

Welp, that’s all of my challenges. So far so good! I’ve struggled here and there with being consistent in timing but I get it done! I like the discipline I’m learning by taking the challenges seriously and making them a part of my everyday routine. Hopefully I continue past the last day of the challenges.
I’ll be posting this and that pertaining to one or all of the challenges every so often. I should’ve done a blog challenge to make SURE I’m posting everyday. Lol
Maybe next month. 😉

Thanks for reading my blog!  I appreciate your time!

THEE Stonidee

Talk about protective!


Hello my good people! This will probably be the shortest post I’ve done so far 😀 , as I am almost on week 3 of my protective style. That’s right! My eagerly awaited Havana twists are totally agreeing with my hair and I. AM. LOVING. IT.


                             HERCULES! HERCULES! HERCULES!

This is what they looked like on Aug.5th, the day I installed them.


This is what they look like today lol


                                                  New growth 🙂



                             And the hair twins, Frizz and Fuzz :-/

I’m not complaining though. I’ll be refreshing my twists tomorrow and it’ll be all good! Next Monday will be my week 3 mark :-). Almost a month ya’ll!! My goal was to keep this protective style for a month (4 weeks) and no earlier than 3 weeks, so I’m doing well.
Once I remove them I’ll be ready to begin my very own 1 Year Protective Style Challenge. I want to see what growth results I’ll get from a year of low manipulation geared hairstyles while focusing mostly on the scalp.
If YOU’D like to join me let me know! I’d love some company! 🙂

Maaaan, I almost went a whole month without a blog post smh. Shame on me! 😛

Thanks to my followers for showing a sista love and support! I REALLY appreciate it.
I’ll be incorporating a bit more onto here, like a few of my clients and friends and family who appreciate HEALTHY HAIR and understand the struggles that come and go along the way to it, whether natural or chemically processed.

Have a blessed weekend and enjoy the festivities of the end of summer. It’s here already! Can you believe it? Geeeez!

Always love,
THEE stonidee