Choosing Challenges Pt.3- Manespeak Coconut Challenge


Hey guys and gals! Sorry this post is late. Hopefully not too late. 😉
So far, I’ve shared the online bible study “challenge” and the vegetarian challenge. Well, lastly is the coconut hair challenge by Manespeak. It’s a month long challenge of using coconut oil on the hair and scalp on a daily basis, using weekly/daily challenges as a regimen blueprint.
The pros of using pure coconut oil are many and so far I’m getting good results. I’ve noticed that my hair is softer. I’d read many raving of the softness coconut oil gives but hadn’t quite gotten the same…until using coconut oil DAILY. Now, I too can say the same. 🙂
We are to check in and post photos of our results on social networks and whoever is most consistent in participating in the challenges, wins hair products by Jirano hair products. Hopefully, I am that lucky winner. 😉

Welp, that’s all of my challenges. So far so good! I’ve struggled here and there with being consistent in timing but I get it done! I like the discipline I’m learning by taking the challenges seriously and making them a part of my everyday routine. Hopefully I continue past the last day of the challenges.
I’ll be posting this and that pertaining to one or all of the challenges every so often. I should’ve done a blog challenge to make SURE I’m posting everyday. Lol
Maybe next month. 😉

Thanks for reading my blog!  I appreciate your time!

THEE Stonidee

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